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Holidays With Allergies: Part 1- The Hard Part

When holidays roll around, everyone makes plans to gather for large meals, exchange gifts, and participate in traditions. The excuse to gather with family is great!! But, when you or someone in your family struggles with allergies, the stress of gathering builds and it can be hard to enjoy the quality time with loved ones. Holidays with allergies are less of a celebration and more of a marathon. We are so blessed…

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Holidays With Allergies: Part 2- Light at the End of the Tunnel

So the first two years of Jett’s life were incredibly isolating, holidays were no different. This past 11 months have given us a glimmer of hope for the future. We still have a crazy schedule every week, five therapy sessions, Gymboree, feeding Jett, preparing meals, and my hot yoga. But the variety in our lives has grown. We are able to enjoy meals (we prepare) with friends and family, dine…

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Allergies/ Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Challenges

Breastfeeding is promoted as an easy and natural experience that every woman and baby can achieve. It’s boasted as the best for both mother and baby. If you have an infant who struggles to breastfeed, you’re often instantly suggested formula. The amount of knowledge pediatricians and general practitioners have about breastfeeding is so limited that they frequently jump to removing this variable from the equation in order to “solve” problems.…

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