Browsing Tag:

clean beauty


100 Percent Pure Pretty Naked Palette Review

I had a request to share my recommendations on a clean eye shadow and blush palette, my favorite hand soap review will have to wait! Here is the 100 Percent Pure Pretty Naked Palette review! About 100 Percent Pure 100 Percent Pure is a makeup company located in Silicon Valley in California. Their products are manufactured in the United States of America. They offer an assortment of organic beauty products…

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Makeup/ Personal Care/ Personal Care

Clean Beauty- The Importance of Natural Personal Care Products and How to Find Them

The Dirt on Our Personal Care Products Our skin is our largest organ and first line of defense. It absorbs everything we put on it. Only 11 ingredients are banned in the US vs. about 1200 ingredients banned in cosmetics in the EU. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) states “Personal care products are manufactured with 10,500 unique chemical ingredients, some of which are known or suspected carcinogens, toxic to the…

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