When holidays roll around, everyone makes plans to gather for large meals, exchange gifts, and participate in traditions. The excuse to gather with family is great!! But, when you or someone in your family struggles with allergies, the stress of gathering builds and it can be hard to enjoy the quality time with loved ones. Holidays with allergies are less of a celebration and more of a marathon. We are so blessed…
So the first two years of Jett’s life were incredibly isolating, holidays were no different. This past 11 months have given us a glimmer of hope for the future. We still have a crazy schedule every week, five therapy sessions, Gymboree, feeding Jett, preparing meals, and my hot yoga. But the variety in our lives has grown. We are able to enjoy meals (we prepare) with friends and family, dine…
What is it? FPIES is a rare, non IgE mediated food allergy. It’s a T-cell mediated allergy that transpires in the GI tract and is often misdiagnosed or left undiagnosed for a significant period of time because it’s not widely known. I hope that by spreading the word on signs and symptoms, these rare children can get an answer more quickly and on the path to recovery! Symptoms Some babies with FPIES…
I ordered these Hurraw! Lip Balms on a whim over a year ago, and I LOVE them. Not only are they all natural, they’re vegan/cruelty free, organic, fair trade, raw, gluten, soy, corn, and shea free, non- GMO, and the company is very transparent. Check out their downloadable PDF. It lists every ingredient in each flavor, a description of the ingredients and their benefits, and where most of their ingredients were harvested.…
If you are reluctant to try Brussels sprouts, this is a recipe for you. They’re absolutely delicious and you’ll wish you made more! Maybe its the sweet and tangy glaze, or the yummy, crispy bacon.. Brussels sprouts are a versatile vegetable, but if you’ve never cooked them before, it can be hard to come up with something tasty that’ll ease your family into enjoying them. When I had to cut…
I had done some research, as I was taught by my father who researches EVERYTHING thoroughly, and found the GAPS Diet. In my reading, I learned that many families had found that this particular healing diet was beneficial for food allergies, including FPIES! The basis of the GAPS Diet is founded on healing foods like short cooked meat broth, ferments and probiotic foods, raw (yes, raw) egg yolks, boiled veggies,…
Jett was 8 months old. The allergist did some skin prick testing on Jett’s back to see if he tested positive for any IGE mediated food allergies, particularly to the foods we’d tried feeding him already. They all came back negative. I’d done some reading on the internet and found a type of food allergy called “FPIES” so I asked him if he thought it was possible. He said that babies…
Every family has a significant life change when their first (or second.. or third) baby is born. For us, things were a little less typical. Our son Jett has an eating disorder and food allergies, more specifically, FPIES (Food Protein Enterocolitis Syndrome). From a few months old, we learned he was content to starve. Since then, my life has revolved around feeding him. At seven months, we learned of his FPIES, and…